Monday, October 31, 2005

Една статия в Forbes
озаглавена "Атака на Блоговете" с подзаглавие
"Блоговете са трибуна на една оnline линчуваща тълпа, която декларира свобода, но бълва лъжи, клевети и обиди. Техни силни съюзници в това начинание са Google и Yahoo."
ми привлече вниманието.
Ето някои фрагменти:
Живеят ли компаниите в страх от блоговете ?
"No wonder companies now live in fear of blogs. "A blogger can go out and make any statement about anybody, and you can't control it. That's a difficult thing,"says Steven Down, general manager of bike lock maker Kryptonite, owned by Ingersoll-Rand and based in Canton,Mass.
Last year bloggers posted videos showing how to break open a Kryptonite lock using a ballpoint pen.That much was true. But they also spread bogus information--that all Kryptonite models could be cracked with a pen; that it is the only brand with this vulnerability; and that Kryptonite knew about the problem and covered it up.None of these claims is true, but a year later Kryptonite still struggles to set the record straight, while spending millions to replace locks. "

BLOGGER-ите, като журналисти ==
"But if blogging is journalism, then some of its practitioners seem to have learned the trade from Jayson Blair. Many repeat things without bothering to check on whether they are true, a penchant political operatives have been quick to exploit. "Campaigns understand that there are some stories that regular reporters won't print. So they'll give those stories to the blogs," says Christian Grantham, a Democratic consultant in Washington who also blogs. He cites the phony John Kerry/secret girlfriend story spread by bloggers in the 2004 primaries. The story was bogus, but no blogger got fired for printing the lie. "It's not like journalism, where your reputation is ruined if you get something wrong. In the blogosphere people just move on. It's scurrilous," Grantham says. "

BLOGGER-ите са сбирщина и изобщо не са демократични ===
"And though they have First Amendment protection and posture as patriotic muckrakers in the solemn pursuit of truth, the blog mob isn't democratic at all. They are inclined to crush dissent with the "delete" key. When consultant Nick Wreden criticized credit card banking giant MBNA on his blog, a reader responded in support of MBNA. Wreden zapped the comment. "I just thought: ‘This has to be a plant,'" he says. "

Дали BLOGGER-ите са тълпа която линчува или войнство, което отстоява истината, казвайки на медиите: "We've OnlyJust Begun."

"Играчи" като Google които са собствeници на Blogger спират перверзии, детска порнография, спам и вируси и помагат на полицията да намери виновниците, но защо не трият материали, които позорят различни индивиди.
Защото те са защитени от "Communications Decency Act of 1996, which frees a neutral carrier of Internet content from any liability for anything said online. "

Трябва ли "блогирането", което е в ранната си детска възраст да бъде регулирано със закони?
"But even the Constitution doesn't give a citizen the right to unjustly call his neighbor a child molester. Google and the like argue they bear no more responsibility for content than a phone company does for slander over its wires. But Google's blog business looks less like a phone company and more like a mix of reality TV and an online magazine. Bloggers provide the fare, and Google maintains it for them free of charge, sometimes selling ads. Google says ad revenue isn't the point. The real aim is "to let users embrace the Web as a medium of self-expression," a spokesman says. Google lets them run wild. Yet Google edits and censors blog content all the time--to protect its own interests. The company, whose portentous corporate ethos includes the mantra "Don't be evil," snuffs out blogs that engage in "phishing" (tricking people into revealing confidential information) and "spam blogs" that skew Google's search results. Bloggers who sign up for its ad program (Google passes along 79% of sales, on average) must follow firm Google guidelines that limit references to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling and even "excessive profanity.""

обаче, пострадали от клевети казват че:
Yahoo and other carriers should step up: "They make money selling ads on these message boards, and the controversial material generates the most traffic. So they're benefiting from this garbage. I think they should take responsibility for it."

"След като този тип web sites (като Blogger) са твърде лесни за използване, безплатни (или поне не скъпи) и доста влиятелни като медийна трибуна, ние сме загрижени че един погрешен пост може да "разклати" цели индустрии.
Затова съветваме нашите бизнес клиенти да се върнат към static HTML and non-syndicating sites, които имат по-малко влияние и по-малка аудитория" - пише Steve Broback


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