An Eco-pacifist Space Propaganda Film Honestly, I lost my faith in Cameron when he made Titanic. Avatar looks to put the final nail in his coffin. When I saw the preview I knew it would be a PC propaganda piece for eco-guilt and left-wing politics. I also knew there was no hope in seeing the dorky looking Alien Smurfs with their suck caveman weapons get wiped out. Now that would be a movie worth seeing! Sorry but I cannot root against the human race (especially with all the cool military tech), call me biased.
The whole idea of some primitive alien race using nonsensical fantasty inspired creatures that look like eco-dragons to defeat a high-tech army is the pinnacle of stupidity. It is like some teenage boy lacking testosterone came up with the plot. Lets see, lets combine fern gully, thundercats and the smurfs for the good guys and lets make the bad guys "greedy" corporate humans hell bent on "destroying the planet" in their unsustainable need for energy to fuel their capitalist consumerism. The only thing that can save the planet is the primitive zen/native american/tribal beliefs in eco-harmony. Spare me the lecture on your economic illiteracy Cameron.
The crappy video game for this should be hillarious, especially with all the kids confused why they cannot play with the cool robo-mechs with machine guns and instead get to be "Dorky Smurf", decked out in loin cloth armor, armed with a biodegreadable bow and arrow! Controls will include a button for "tree planting", "eco-meditation", "recycling your weapons" and "low carbon footprint" (you walk lightly and hardly breathe).
What a waste of CGI. Apparently Cameron spent millions getting Smurfette's breasts "right". How hard is it to get them right? Just make them big! Maybe next time he can spend as much time on a real plot where you can actually root for the human race? Nah, pushing left-wing propaganda is more important than entertainment. Right Cameron?
Sadly this movie will appeal to eco-pacifists who have been brainwashed that we are destroying the planet and the human race is evil.
Maybe because I am human I have a problem with being considered evil but hey that is just me ==================== "...Sadly this movie will appeal to eco-pacifists who have been brainwashed that we are destroying the planet and the human race is evil..."
Oh, so.... you're saying that WE'RE NOT DESTROYING THE PLANET? And, dude, you're so caught up with 'cool military tech' and and shouting your anti-eco idiocy, that you're missing the whole point of the movie. The 'cavemen' as you're referring to them, ARE THE HUMANS in this story. The military are the *beep* neanderthals.
And I think your post makes very clear how in touch you are with the pinnacle of stupidity: YOUR OWN. ====================== So if you lost faith in Cameron some twelve years ago, why did you make him richer by paying to see Avatar? ===================== Who said I paid? ==================== Uh, why don't you go back to trashing the planet and leave the rest of us to enjoy this intelligent, thought-provoking, well-made movie. I'm sure your descendants will thank you when the planet is a polluted, war-scarred, post-apocalyptic wasteland. (Oh, but wait, I'm sure they'll just find another planet to trash and kill the natives so they can live there.)
You should actually see the movie before you decide to criticise it. Maybe you'll actually learn something. ====================== Another movie where the bad guys win in the end, I guess. This is the trend in Hollywood these days. ==================
Another movie where the bad guys win in the end, I guess. This is the trend in Hollywood these days.
Yeah, because the "good guys" really won in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan , didnt they? ![[eyes]](
I wont mention My Lai Massacre, Fallujah or Abu Gharib either. I mean, what other "trends" could they start.
If anything, Cameron "white washed" it. ============================= The crappy video game for this should be hillarious, especially with all the kids confused why they cannot play with the cool robo-mechs with machine guns and instead get to be "Dorky Smurf", decked out in loin cloth armor, armed with a biodegreadable bow and arrow! Controls will include a button for "tree planting", "eco-meditation", "recycling your weapons" and "low carbon footprint" (you walk lightly and hardly breathe).
I laughed pretty hard at this paragraph. While I enjoyed the film, I have to say that it's clear that this current wave of "climate change" propaganda is a farce that has been perpetuated to get the elites in society richer. You think all the money being invested will somehow reap benefits for our "children's children"? I'm in London and it's the coldest winter I've experienced in a long time. We only experienced a few days of summer weather this year. Listen when I say it's just an agenda for politicians to release ridiculous amounts of funds that will evemtually go into their bank accounts. =========================== You are correct. It WAS a late response. Now go find out WHY.
Please describe the "fast buck" America has made from anything we've done in the ME.
Everybody has an agenda - don't fool yourself into thinking some people don't. But stop using terms like "deniers"... ad hominem is a logical fallacy. =========================== Sorry to say it...
But I think you're mental capacity and intellect isnt up to par to understand the message of the film. Or atleast you're not seeing the big picture.
(1) "Dorky" smurfs. - You lost me after you described a different race as "dorky".
(2) You MISSED the message, so I'll de-brief you in as short of a statement as possible.
ALL BEINGS that have LIFE in them are actually VESSELS.... as in just BODIES. The "hero" in the film, has seen this fact and understood that the only different thing between all living things are their bodies, and their soul or spirit is actually all part of a greater power...
This is SHOWN and PROVEN on the film by his ability to LIVE on a different body. His mind, his soul is the same... but his body is different.
So in essence, he is FIGHTING with HUMANS who are blinded to this fact. To save innocent and peace abiding race as well as saving the "greater power" which is the source of ALL LIFE on the planet.
The HUMANS in this film is depicted onto 2 different categories.... the "GOOD" which are the Scientists/Researchers.... and the "BAD" which represents the HUMANS willing to DESTROY nature and RISK killing other life forms for PROFIT.
PROFIT or MONEY is man made, MONEY leads to GREED. And GREED has blinded MEN and WOMEN to destroy nature and life to satisfy their greed.
The HERO has realized that LIFE and NATURE is all what is important and what matters... not some man-made item such as Money.
The hero did not betray "humans" he simply realized the TRUTH.
then you go ahead with research to try to justify that our world is fine... WTF.. seriously, the MOVIE is a fantasy film, set on 2154. And if you pay attention the "hero" mentioned that the earth doesnt have any trees left ("no greens") and are mining other =========================== 2-ви сблъсък: следвасл ссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссссс=========mjjjadhkjm========================== |
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